Comments on: A River Runs Through It Official blog site of Nashville Episcopal Area UMC Bishop Bill McAlilly Thu, 17 Sep 2015 14:53:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: William P. Carroll Mon, 08 Oct 2012 19:12:02 +0000 Sure am proud to know you Bishop! Memories indeed.
Bill Carroll, the younger

By: wtmcalilly Mon, 08 Oct 2012 12:54:28 +0000 Billy, Glad to know you are keeping up with us. Hope you are doing well.

By: wtmcalilly Mon, 08 Oct 2012 12:53:10 +0000 Thanks, Phil. Let’s cross as often as possible.

By: wtmcalilly Mon, 08 Oct 2012 12:52:32 +0000 Connecting is the key!

By: wtmcalilly Mon, 08 Oct 2012 12:52:00 +0000 “I go cautiously around corners,” said Carlyle Marney, “for I never know when I will meet Messiah.”

By: wtmcalilly Mon, 08 Oct 2012 12:50:38 +0000 Would that we return to our Wesleyan Heritage of holiness of heart and life!

By: wtmcalilly Mon, 08 Oct 2012 12:49:59 +0000 Perspective is a wonderful thing! Preach it!

By: wtmcalilly Mon, 08 Oct 2012 12:49:18 +0000 No doubt, Sheila!

By: Sheila Murley Thu, 04 Oct 2012 23:42:08 +0000 I had to chuckle at the memories your story brought to my mind. My mother was born and raised in the “Show Me” state in the Bootheel only 2 miles from the Mighty Mississippi. Her mother, (a good Methodist) always warned her “don’t go in the water til you learn to swim.” My daddy, born and raised on the other side of the river in Tn. fell out of a fishing boat and “learned to swim very quickly.” (That’s his tale anyway). So, my daddy believed all seven of his children needed to swim and, one by one, as we reached a certain age , we were tossed into the deep end. We learned to swim very quickly as well. My mother almost had seven heart attacks but Daddy trusted that the good Lord was a mighty fine swimmer too and we would be alright.

A lot of our church folk are afraid to get in the water until they learn to swim. We need to be more like my Dad and jump into the deep end. God hasn’t failed us yet.

By: Jacqueline Martin Thu, 04 Oct 2012 20:13:42 +0000 I live spittin’ distance from The River, at the western edge of the TN Conference–on State Route 147. That road dead-ends at the Tennessee River–there is NO BRIDGE. But thank God for the ferry. Lots of people drive for miles out of the way and make a big fuss, trying to find a bridge to get across The River. Maybe because we like to be in control–with a bridge we can get ourselves across. Tenn Conference come and see for yourself–there IS a ferry, and the guy who operates the ferry is The Captain. The iconic ferry at Danville Landing connects Houston County (TN Conference) and Benton County (Memphis Conference). I know that “bridges” hold a lot of symbolism that preach well, but I’ll take the ferry as the great symbol of crossing over The River. There is something about being right down on/in the water when you cross the river by ferry rather than the span of a bridge. I have seen days that the water looks pretty smooth from the height of an Interstate bridge, but take the ferry and you appreciae what The Captain is doing to get you across. When was the last time you went by ferry, not by bridge, across the Tennessee River? It is all about perspective…you realize you are on a dead end road and you look across the river and see The Captain coming to ferry you to the other side….It’ll preach. Blessings, Jacqueline Martin
