Comments on: Council of Bishops takes action following same-gender ceremony Official blog site of Nashville Episcopal Area UMC Bishop Bill McAlilly Sun, 01 Dec 2013 01:59:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Spellings Fri, 22 Nov 2013 03:33:48 +0000 It seems our leadership spends way too much time and money in conversations which aren’t as ambiguous as they would lead us to believe while multitudes have yet to hear if whether there really is a Balm in Gilead. If Christ sets a person free, then just how free can a person really be? If Christ completes a person then just how complete can a person really be? Jesus taught His followers to pray, “Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” Heaven’s not discussing sexual identity but rather in awe and praise at the King of kings and Lord of lords who created us male and female in God’s image.

By: Judd A. Mowery Tue, 19 Nov 2013 15:45:27 +0000 Judd Mowery

I do not understand why two men want to get married. I realize a lot of people have problems with their sexual identity. Nevertheless the Bible teaches that it is a sin. Do two wrongs make a right. If all men married men there would be no increase in the population. God never intended for men and men to be lovers. Why in the world would the church ever sanction such a life style. I am to love the sinner according to Jesus and his teachings and I am to forgive people when they have hurt me and others. Jesus said if I am not willing to for he will not forgive me. Sin can be forgiven. But a person must recignize there sin.
A United Methodist who would oppose the Bible is wrong. John Wesley our founding Father of the Methodist Church would be shocked that an ordained minister would think same sex marriage is correct. The world can think like they want to think but the people of God should be listening to the Holy Spirit.

By: Galen Colbert Sun, 17 Nov 2013 22:28:24 +0000 I respectfully submit to Ms. Swindle that my “lifestyle” is no different than yours. I get up, I go to work, I come home, I feed my dog, I pay my bills, and I try to be the best person and Christian that I can be. The UMC is on the wrong side of history with this one, and it’s very sad…for all involved. As I contemplate moving to another denomination, I’ll also be in prayer.

By: Time to Pray for the United Methodist Church | Incredibly Good News Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:41:49 +0000 […] Council of Bishops takes action following same-gender ceremony ( […]

By: Ralph Gilliam Sat, 16 Nov 2013 22:48:03 +0000 Very good Gariy

By: Doris Swindle Sat, 16 Nov 2013 20:03:25 +0000 I am in favor of treating all human beings with kindness and love. I can not see anywhere in the Bible where same sex marriage is acceptable. I believe as Christian it is our responsibility to express our support of a marriage being between a man and a woman. As a lifelong member of the Methodist Church I can not imagine allowing same sex marriage to be preformed by our ministers or in our churches. If you are gay and you chose to come to my church I will treat you with kindness and love but I can not condone your lifestyle. The silent majority has been quite too long. I will be in prayer that the discipline with be upheld.

By: Connie Waters Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:56:05 +0000 I might suggest that you do some study on gender identity. Gender is not as Male/Female, either/or as you probably think. if we are going to respond to people authentically, we do have to consider gender. Also, fact is we don’t have a handle on what would be considered “women’s issues” anymore then we do LGBTQQAI issues.

By: cdonladd Sat, 16 Nov 2013 09:46:40 +0000 Thank you Bishop for leading us with love and grace through these challenging times! I pray for us to stay in love and unite in our calling -”making diciples for the transformation of the world”!! Your leadership is such a gift to the world!

By: Larry Furmann Fri, 15 Nov 2013 23:33:14 +0000 I prayed that the Bishops would follow the prophetic lead of Bishop Melvin Talbert, instead of the political lead this action suggests. Unless you have walked in our shoes, you cannot know what it is like to be considered less than a full Christian. Christ loved all people. That is what I believe true Christians are called to do. Thankfully, I am an active Christian in my UMC church and am not looked down on. I am a Christian who is male, who is creative, who has a deep love for Christ, who donates to my church, who volunteers in my church and…oh yeah…I am Gay, as God created me. I give thanks for prophets like Bishop Talbert.

By: Gabriel Fancher Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:47:01 +0000 Great point! But dont worry both sides are dealing with this “running away” from hard work.
