Comments on: Scripture Reading Plan for the week of January 26, 2014 Official blog site of Nashville Episcopal Area UMC Bishop Bill McAlilly Sun, 02 Mar 2014 01:03:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: hookedonchrist Mon, 27 Jan 2014 00:49:32 +0000 Scripture: Luke 4:24 (CEB) He said, “I assure you that no prophet is welcome in the prophet’s hometown.
Matthew 13:57 (CEB) They were repulsed by him and fell into sin.
But Jesus said to them, “Prophets are honored everywhere except in their own hometowns and in their own households.”
John 4:44 (CEB) Jesus himself had testified that prophets have no honor in their own country.

Observation: Luke 4:24 jumped out at me. Matthew 13:57 & John 4:44 seem to be in alignment with Luke 4:24.

I share the quote below, attributed to John Wesley:
“No prophet is acceptable in his own country – That is, in his own neighborhood. It generally holds, that a teacher sent from God is not so acceptable to his neighbors as he is to strangers. The meanness of his family, or lowness of his circumstances, bring his office into contempt: nor can they suffer that he, who was before equal with, or below themselves, should now bear a superior character.”

Application: These have always been difficult verses for me to accept, even though in my heart, these statements are understandable. So what instruction can I take from these verses?

1.) I believe the greatest contribution I can offer to the faith community within my own “hometown,” is my daily walk with Christ. My actions speak much louder than words to those who have watched me grow up from childhood. I must guard carefully, my words and actions.

2.) I believe the second lesson I must take away from these verses is that I must be willing and ready to step out in faith and be intentional about sharing my faith and my GodStories with those who have ears to hear. If those ears are not in my hometown, then I must go to those who have not always been my neighbor.

Prayer: Lord, guide my daily walk with you, among my neighbors, in such a way that my actions give witness to my love for you. Make my joy in you, infectious to those around me. Let my actions preach volumes about your redemptive love among those who know my life journey the best.
Help me move beyond my comfort zones. Give me courage to speak of your love to those I do not know. Bring across my path, those who need to hear the stories of what you have done in my life. Use my words and actions in such a way as to produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
In Christ name and for His sake, Amen
