Comments on: Tennessee Highway Patrol Chaplains Official blog site of Nashville Episcopal Area UMC Bishop Bill McAlilly Thu, 17 Sep 2015 14:53:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Barnard Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:05:04 +0000 Great to see your post, Randy. Hope you’re fielding a lot of supportive emails. Also great to see that THP is planning training for its current and prospective chaplains. The chaplains will need each other’s support – I hope no one will be allowed to do this alone.
I work with a CPE program here in the Toledo area, and one of our Supervisors created a program to train fire dept. chaplains. Perhaps a Supervisor at Methodist Healthcare could be a good resource for developing the training there.

By: Michael Cox-Captain Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:52:47 +0000 I am interested in joining the chaplaincy ride a long program. I was about to join a local program in Fort Worth called CAPA (Cops and Pastors Alliance) however my wife and I have been reassigned to Tennessee just recently and I have been looking to find one locally. I am in the Johnson City Area. It would be great if you could get me into contact with the proper person.

Thanks and many Blessings

By: Phil Ross Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:56:09 +0000 Randy,
My Field Education while at Seminary at Vanderbilt was with the Metropolitan Police Department. I was closely involved with the officers in every facet of their work. I helped teach stress management classes and support groups for officers going through divorce. I am well aware of the demands of this kind of stressful job and the difficulty of transitioning back to a “normal” life with family and friends. If there is anyway I can help in Fentress County, let me know.

Phil Ross

By: Jason A Beck Fri, 20 Jun 2014 11:12:15 +0000 As a former SLP in the Memphis Conference and patrolman in Arkansas, I can tell you the need for volunteer chaplains is of the utmost importance. From 1995-2005, I volunteered a lot of time meeting with officers and their families when requested. They carry a lot of stress in their lives for what they see while on duty and then what they take home. I was also humbled in being called by God to conduct death notifications to family members after an incident or accident. There is a need.

Jason A Beck

By: David Russell Fri, 20 Jun 2014 04:17:48 +0000 Randy, I am in Dyer County. I am retired as a Army National Guard chaplain and would be willing to be considered as a Highway Patrol chaplain. Did not see an e-mail above, so I have posted this comment.
