Comments on: Clergy Cannot Be Punished for Future Action Official blog site of Nashville Episcopal Area UMC Bishop Bill McAlilly Wed, 03 Aug 2016 13:37:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ed Montgomery Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:36:09 +0000 Does this mean he is not going to try to obey the discipline?

By: Steve Tippens Mon, 03 Nov 2014 20:31:18 +0000 Seems to me you’re on a slippery slope, good brother. Can sin be defined so precisely? The thought that God loves the sinner is very comforting to me, perhaps others also. But, then again, “if the Bible says it’s so, it’s so,” as I take it you would say. Well, maybe not, lest we take things to their extremes. If God is love and we hold to that as “the main thing,” can we love any one of us into eternal damnation? Doesn’t work for me. I’m quite willing to be outside that fold of love.

By: Sarah Louise Cobb Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:21:47 +0000 As a Seminary Student who is hoping to graduate and do ministry in the United Methodist Church, I can’t help but look at my beloved denomination as if it is going through a divorce. We spend a lot of time here in seminary talking about the split as if it is inevitable and I am sad to say it might be. I can pray for unity and peace all I want and i am just afraid that that it will be in vein. Should I have to cater to both sides for fear of not having a job when I graduate? Why can i not as Steve Tippins states go with my conscience? Should I have to lie about God’s call in my life and for the lives of others because some feel its wrong.

By: harris38104 Mon, 03 Nov 2014 02:59:56 +0000 As a committed member of the UMC, I am appalled at the money and time spent on this issue, in such a punitive manner generally. I do wish that my own church would recognize my almost 10 year relationship with my partner, but am looking elsewhere for that to happen. I simply want to work on being a disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world – feeding and housing folks who need it, changing systems of injustice, and more. I love the UMC for many, many reasons, and do not wish to leave the denomination, but it is increasingly difficult to feel justified in staying around, being treated unjustly, and having to find ways to explain these challenges to our four year old as she begins to hear and understand. I wish there was more leadership around deep scriptural understanding using the fullness of the Wesleyan quadrilateral to understand the world using our collective reason, traditions, and experiences – regarding all matters for the church and the world, including same gender marriage and ordination of gay folks. When individuals gather in a true sense of sharing and receiving, the vitriolic language dissipates and relationships are formed. But there are few places where people are willing both to give and fully receive. It is this lack of collective compassion to genuinely hear each other about which I am most sad.

By: Laura Harris Mon, 03 Nov 2014 02:56:35 +0000 As a committed member of the UMC, I am appalled at the money and time spent on this issue, in such a punitive manner generally. I do wish that my own church would recognize my almost 10 year relationship with my partner, but am looking elsewhere for that to happen. I simply want to work on being a disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world – feeding and housing folks who need it, changing systems of injustice, and more. I wish there was more leadership around deep scriptural understanding using the fullness of the Wesleyan quadrilateral to understand the world using our collective reason, traditions, and experiences – regarding all matters for the church and the world, including same gender marriage and ordination of gay folks. When individuals gather in a true sense of sharing and receiving, the vitriolic language dissipates and relationships are formed. But there are few places where people are willing both to give and fully receive. It is this lack of collective compassion to genuinely hear each other about which I am most sad.

By: Steve Tippens Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:56:26 +0000 My apologies to our bishop for my disrespectful cynicism. I feel only empathy for him and his colleagues in the Council of Bishops who are trying very hard to be both prophetic and priestly in their spiritual guidance of our church. A covenant of unity in observance of institutional polity is essential to maintain order in any organization, including the Church where the challenge is exceptional because of the nature of a message lending itself so easily to individual interpretation, even among those who have devoted their lives to the search for its truths. Should loyalty to an institution ever take precedence over conscience? I believe there is a long-needed conversation here for all who are concerned about the continuing ministry and witness of our denomination. I do not believe that unity, whatever its guise, can continue in our UM Church unless we are willing to revisit God concepts that seem inherently divisive. Our beliefs and the actions that flow from them too easily set us against each other. Prayers for unity are indeed worthy but must translate into a spirituality that transcends our individual faith conditioning. I don’t think God has a delete button that can deliver us from the fears that drive us. What should be the words of my prayer that will not relieve me of personal responsibility for my contribution to the problem? “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace…” Perhaps no words at all, only mindful listening to the God-presence within.

By: Toni Tucker Locke Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:52:00 +0000 I have a real difficult time with anyone, lay or clergy, claiming to be United Methodist and operating outside the Discipline. However, because we all fall short of what we should be and do in Christ’s kingdom I have to agree with Bishop McAlilly”s plea for us ” to live with a spirit of love and grace toward ALL persons.” We have to work very prayerfully at getting along within our church family–or we certainly have nothing to offer to those outside the church.

By: hookedonchrist Sat, 01 Nov 2014 13:33:25 +0000 I covenant to join my bishop in that prayerful attitude which seeks the face of Christ in the midst of a turbulent and changing world.

By: Nelson Dewayne Temple Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:45:47 +0000 Let us quit playing games with our Christian faith! The decision regarding homosexual choice has been determined to be sin. The Bible records that. A UM minister takes an oath to abide by the discipline, but what is much more important is to preach/teach in accord with God’s word – The Bible. If we don’t believe and don’t intend to follow the Bible, then quit calling the UM church a Christian church! Scheafer violated his oath to God and the church. He should not be allowed to preach/teach in the church unless he confesses his sin before God and the church and with a firm commitment to abide by Biblical authority and church discipline. To those who are in any position of leadership in the church I would ask; are you going to stand up for Christ or the world?

By: Steve Tippens Sat, 01 Nov 2014 04:01:19 +0000 Correction welcomed, but cat may be out of bag!
