A Call to Prayer for General Conference
Posted: April 1, 2016 Filed under: Bishop's Blog, Tennessee Conference 3 CommentsIn the Tennessee Conference, the delegation invites you to Prayer Services in four locations. You will have opportunities to pray with and for our delegation members and the issues they will address at General Conference. These prayer services will be offered in at 11 a.m. TODAY, Friday, April 1, at these churches:
You can join the 24-hour vigil in the Memphis Conference in support of General Conference. Where ever you are, please take a few moments at some point during the day to offer prayer for General Conference and for our delegates who are preparing for this important meeting. Issues they will deliberate can be reviewed on the General Conference webpage.
The delegations want to hear from you – and I want to hear from you – what are your hopes and prayers for General Conference and the future of the United Methodist Church?
Thank you for your participation and prayers.
Thanks for the opportunity to pray for delegates and Conference. Of course many lay people had to work on that day at that time and were unable to attend. It seems to me that a Sunday when we have the most UM gathered in our churches could have been an option. Even before or after worship if clergy didn’t want to interrupt their services could be an option. I do understand that most scheduling considerations are for clergy. Praying for you and the delegation.
Bishop McAlilly: Sorry I haven’t had time today to read my emails until now so I’m late with my prayer but I’m sure the Lord will hear me anyway. I wonder about the last minute notice but maybe there was one previously that I missed. I also haven’t heard about the 24 Hour Prayer Vigil in the Memphis Conference until now. Was that only for the Ministers and the D.S.? If we had known, I’m sure we could have organized a service in Memphis. We also never got an announcement in our church, Emmanuel UMC about the meeting about General Conference at Germantown UMC where the visiting Bishop discussed the proposals to be voted on. We did see the announcement in the Collierville church’s newsletter and we saw our Minister and Associate Minister there. We need to get information out to our church members if we want their support. My husband is a delegate to our Annual Conference so I will be able to observe there and I will be tuned in to the Live Stream of General Conference. We are very concerned by the liberal movement away from the Discipline and traditional United Methodism which is based on the Bible as its only authority. We have already been in prayer about the possible changes that would cause us to leave our church for a more Bible based church. Thanks for your information and I enjoy reading your Blog.
Virginia, the Memphis Conference prayer time took a different track than the TN Conference. The information was offered through the Memphis Conference eblast and conference communications methods. The responsibility for getting the word out is primarily in the hands of those who receive the news. I would expect that most of the leaders from your church receive that information. Certainly, our pastors receive it and we count on them to share these things with their congregations.