Nashville Area Appointments

Over the last four days, the Nashville Area cabinets have met to consider pastoral appointments for the 2016-2017 conference year. This work is more art than science and at best is imperfect. As many of us know, this time of year creates anxiety, even if congregations or pastors do not anticipate moves. Remaining non-anxious is a challenge even for your bishop and district superintendents!  That said, we believe we have been faithful to this task.

Friday, April 8, District Superintendents will be contacting pastors and Pastor Parish Relations Committee Chairs to inform them of changes. On Sunday, April 10 Pastor Parish Relations Committee Chairs will inform congregations of the new appointment, with some exceptions which will be announced on April 17.  The appointment to which a pastor will be moving will be shared by the the pastor, not the PPRC chair.

In the coming weeks, the District Superintendents will bring the newly appointed pastor to the new congregation for a Covenant meeting with the PPR Committee. The purpose of the Covenant meeting is an introductory meeting giving the committee and the newly appointed pastor/family to see the church and visit the parsonage (if there is one) and speak about hopes and dreams for this new beginning. This is NOT an interview to decide if this appointment will work or not.

There will be Transition Seminars for PPRC Committees and Pastors who are moving on the following Dates:

Memphis Conference:            May 1       Medina United Methodist Church

Tennessee Conference:          April 24  Murfreesboro First United Methodist Church

Each of these events will begin at 3:00p.m. and conclude by 6:00p.m.

It is my hope that all moving pastors and receiving churches will make a concerted effort to be present. This will enhance the transition for each congregation.

Over the last few days we have prayed by name for every pastor and every congregation in the Memphis and Tennessee Conferences. Our lives are enriched by our mutual sharing of this life.  With the Apostle Paul, “I give thanks to God for my every remembrance of  you.”

Bishop Mc



One Comment on “Nashville Area Appointments”

  1. hwoffor1 says:

    Prayers for congregations and pastors as new and exciting things are happening. Tears of sadness and of joy will be covered by the blood shed for us all.
    My God will supply your every need in Christ Jesus.Amen.