Update from Council of Bishops meeting

The Council of Bishops concluded the retreat held at St. Simons Island yesterday. It was a time of reflection on General Conference, daily Bible Study, and daily services of Word and Table where four of the newly consecrated bishops preached.

I was assigned to the Leadership Formation team, as well as a team to interface with GBHEM regarding appointment making. I will also be connecting with SPARK 12, our young adult initiative. The SEJ College of Bishops assigned me to serve on GBCS.

The 14 new bishops received additional training as we come into this new work. There will be a statement released this weekend with greater detail. I am convinced more than ever that our greatest call is to assist in creating vital, healthy, vibrant congregations which is best done at the grass roots.

> CLICK HERE for more news from the Council of Bishops of UMC.org

About wtmcalilly

Bill is the Resident Bishop of the Nashville Area of the United Methodist Church serving the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences. He was elected at the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in July 2012.

Posted on November 10, 2012, in Bishop's Blog. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Jennifer Trently

    Sounds exciting but I also hope that you were renewed and refreshed in the Holy Spirit. The Spiritual Growth Event with Dr. Doug Meeks this past Friday here in Jackson was a wonderful worshipful event. I was very blessed by the teaching and sharing. I enjoyed meeting Doug and Tom as well was hearing others visions for the Nashville Episcopal Area. There was much energy generated. I look forward to being apart of the future with you, joy on the journey to you,Bishop.

  2. Read the full press release sent by UMNS after the Bishop sent his note above: http://www.tnumc.org/bloga.cfm/blog_id/44842/Council-affirms-focus-on-mission

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