God Sightings

I am mindful that I am 2000 miles away from those of you who are worshipping Christ today as I gather with the Council of Bishops for our spring learning forum. Today, as a part of my covenant community within the council, we began with worship and reflection asking the question, “Where have you seen God at work recently in your area?”

My heart was warmed as I heard the stories from my colleagues about the way God is moving across our great Church. More than that, I reflected on the places across the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences where God is moving.

A small membership church discovers that there are children within a two mile radius and begins a Sunday School ministry with children who previously had no relationship with church or Jesus Christ.

For 15 years United Methodist Men have gathered at Archer’s Chapel for a fish fry. Five hundred plus men gather for food, fellowship, and worship.

A college student sings “Go Light Your World” in worship and moves a congregation to a deeper understanding of being the light of the world.

A group of youth sponsor a packing event for Stop Hunger Now and pack 10,000 meals for those who are hungry.

An Euro-American congregation has a vision for beginning a multi-cultural worshipping community and invites an African American to join the staff to reach a previously unreached group in its community.

Thirty persons offered their “God Story” to be shared at Annual Conference to help us remember how God is still in the redemption business.

Both of our Conference Staff teams and volunteers are working faithfully to prepare for Annual Conference so that the rest of us can enjoy Holy Conferencing in June.

A young person goes on a mission trip and her friends share the gospel of Jesus Christ with her. As a result, she accepts Christ as her Savior and becomes a part of a local congregation.

God is at work among us. These vignettes only scratch the surface of the greater things God is doing through Jesus Christ in our midst and on the mission field in your communities.

This week, I ask you to be on the look out for God at work. I also invite you to share those God sightings with me. I will be looking for the places where God is at work this week from within the Council of Bishops. I will let you know when and where I see those places.

Together may we be disciples of Jesus Christ who invite others to be disciples of Jesus Christ who change the world.

3 Comments on “God Sightings”

  1. Hi Ann,

    I thought you might also like to read this new post from Bishop McAlilly.  Take care,


  2. If I consistently look for God at work in the world around me and I share those God-Stories with others, I will be transformed.

    If a congregation learns to consistently look for God at work in their mission field and shares those God-Stories with each other, the world will be transformed.

  3. Bill Vaughan says:

    I pray that God will continue to lead you in the kind of leadership you are providing.