Update on clergy transition workshops
Posted: March 19, 2014 Filed under: Bishop's Blog 1 CommentEarlier this week in my post on the appointment process, we listed some dates for some clergy transition workshops. Since then we’ve had to make some changes and wanted to get them to you quickly so you can update your calendars.
The Memphis Conference event is being rolled into one training session which will be held in the Jackson, TN area on May 10 (specific details to come later). Board of Ordained Ministry Chairperson John Jeffords will be coordinating this training.
The Tennessee Conference event will continue to be on Sunday, April 27, 2013 from 3 – 5:30 p.m. at the St. Mark’s UMC in Murfreesboro, TN. Dr. Ed Trimmer from the Center for Church Leadership at Martin Methodist College is coordinating this training.
The cabinet and I are strongly encouraging all pastors and PPR/SPRC chairs facing a transition this year to attend one of these sessions. These trainings will help all be aware of the expectations for both clergy and congregation in a pastoral transition, and will provide resources and suggestions for helping to make the transition more effective all involved.
The itinerant system has been a part of our heritage for years, and when lived out properly can still be a prophetic means of proclaiming our belief in a God who connects his believers together as one body, with one baptism, and one Lord and Savior of all. The clergy transition workshops are one way that we are working toward moving on toward perfection in ensuring that God’s grace is present to both clergy and congregation alike as we deploy ministers to carry out Christ’s work of discovery, equipping, connecting, and sending.
Good word, Bishop.