Sacred Leadership:
Posted: October 25, 2014 Filed under: Bishop's Blog 2 CommentsNovember 20, 2014 Center for Faith and Health, Methodist Health Systems, Memphis, Tn10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Led by Bishop Bill McAlilly, Nashville Area of the United Methodist Church, Lynn Taylor, Coordinator of Emerging Ministries, Nashville Area UMC and Gary Shorb, CEO Methodist Healthcare
Sacred Leadership is a day to explore leadership in form and philosophy, in technique and theology. Along the way we will examine the traits, qualities and characteristics of effective clergy leadership.
- You will hear from lay people about the skills they would like for clergy to have or develop for leadership in the 21st century.
- We will explore some of the barriers and obstacles to effective leadership and we will look specifically at the importance of Emotional Intelligence.
- We will examine secular leadership, organizational development theory and look for the intersections between the secular and the sacred.
- We will seek to clarify the difference between faith-centered leadership and secular leadership.
- At the end of the day we hope that you will be on your way to becoming a more effective, adaptive leader.
Click this link for registration:
I assume this is something we need to sign up for. How do we do that?
Here’s the link. I’ve just added to the post.