Christmas Greetings from Bishop Bill McAlilly


5 Comments on “Christmas Greetings from Bishop Bill McAlilly”

  1. Mark Carrigan says:

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks for your leadership !

  2. TomAlbin51 says:

    Dear Bishop,

    Thank you for the greeting and the Word from scripture. Our prayers of gratitude to God include you and Lynn and your family.

    Tom Albin
    Dean of The Upper Room Chapel

  3. David W.Horne says:

    Bishop McAlilly,

    I’m grateful to God for all that you and Lynn do for the Kingdom. May you and your family be blessed with God’s favor this day, and forevermore.

    “Merry Christmas”

  4. Merry Christmas to you and to our wonderful First Lady Lynn.
    The Nashville Episcopal Area is blessed to have both of you as our own; as the leaders of our family of faith.
    Your selfless love and inspired leadership is transforming your parish, one mission field at a time.
    I pray your and Lynn’s Christmas stockings are filled with a year’s worth of love and joy.

  5. James says:
