Nashville Area Response: Tropical Storm/Hurricane Harvey

The Memphis and Tennessee Conferences are working together to respond to the disaster affecting our sister conferences in Texas and Louisiana. Please continue to pray for all those whose lives continue to be impacted by this storm.

We ask for your help in the following ways:

  • Please help us fill the truck! The Nashville Area plans to send an 18-wheeler filled with cleaning buckets to the UMCOR warehouse fulfilling needs for this disaster.

Start purchasing items now to prepare Cleaning Buckets. Carefully follow the instructions provided by UMCOR. Please only donate those items requested.

Within the next couple of days, drop off locations will be identified along the trucking route. Please bring buckets to those locations NO LATER than Noon on Monday, September 11.

  • Give generously to UMCOR’s US Disaster Response Advance #901670. Also, please share this link with your friends and colleagues. Let them know that every dollar donated to this fund goes to US Disaster Response – none goes toward administrative costs.

We know some of you would like to offer hands-on help, but the affected areas are not yet ready to receive volunteers. There will be opportunities in the coming weeks for trained teams to go in, but UMCOR asks that we wait for an invitation to volunteer.

More information about response efforts is available on these conference Facebook pages: The Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist ChurchLouisiana Conference of The United Methodist ChurchRío Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church and Central Texas Conference.

Thank you for your prayers and support!