Area-Wide Opportunity with Justo Gonzalez

I want to encourage you to take the opportunity this October to hear and interact with a great teacher of church history, Rev. Dr. Justo Gonzalez. He will be visiting the Nashville Episcopal Area on October 13 & 14.

In his sessions, Dr. Gonzalez will lay the groundwork for understanding how our past informs our future. He will share his insights surrounding the impact of the Protestant Reformation of 1517 for our life as the church of 2017.

As we approach the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s audacious act of calling on the church of his day to make much-needed changes, we may find ourselves reflecting on something quite similar for our own lives as well as the greater church.

We are called as the church to provide a way through the reality we are facing and to be an anchor in the storm for those who are lost and hurting. Our time with Dr. Gonzalez will provide learning to help us better understand the context Martin Luther faced as well as our own.

Dr. Gonzalez will share his teaching in English so everyone will feel welcomed into the conversation that has been going on for some time with our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters. (Spanish translation is available upon request.)

Our hope is that this time of learning around the 16th century Reformation’s context and the potential for a new reformation may guide our prayers and planning. This will be a time to enliven passion around seeing the people in our own contexts, primarily our Hispanic and Latino neighbors, so we may work in cooperation with one another.

While this is a two-day event, the leadership team wants to accommodate schedules and make this available to as many people as possible. They now have added a single-day registration option to attend this event in Murfreesboro. More information and a registration link are available at