Pack it up again, stopping hunger


Coming off the heels of the extravagant generosity expressed by the Tennessee Annual Conference in June, there is another opportunity for Methodists in Middle Tennessee to don hair nets package meals to be delivered to hungry all over the world.

A Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event will be held at the National Gathering of United Methodist Men on Saturday, July 13th at Belmont University. The afternoon packaging shifts starting at 12:15 and 2:15 pm are open to local congregational teams who desire to package meals and receive training to bring hunger action opportunities back to their congregations.

2.jpgYou are encouraged to gather a carload of “mission-minded” folk from your congregations and experience the power of being the hands and feet of Jesus!

In addition to meal packaging, you will learn more about hunger in our world, and how we can all be part of a movement to stop it. This is one case where Christians need to cultivate intolerance…toward world hunger! There will be time available to ask questions and receive tips from leaders, and resources that you can bring back to your church.

Note: This event is open to ANYONE, not just those that are registered to participate in the UMMen conference!

> CLICK HERE to sign up to participate and/or donate at:

For questions or help, you can contact the Calvary UMC Stop Hunger Now Team:

Tyler Petersen (email)

Joe Dunn (email)

Andy Morris (email)

Larry Malone (email)

Stop Hunger Now

SHN.jpgIt was great to see so many of you packaging food with Stop Hunger Now at the Tennessee Annual Conference. Many of you expressed interest in this exciting global mission and desire to know how to involve your congregation.  I want to suggest a way for you and others from your congregation to experience the meal packaging ministry locally.

A Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event will be held at the National Gathering of United Methodist Men on Saturday, July 13that Belmont University.  Afternoon packaging shifts starting at 12:15 pm and 2:15 pm are open to local congregations and individuals who want to join in. Please sign up to participate and/or donate at:

Stop Hunger Now Event: Saturday, July 13th – Belmont University – CLICK HERE for more info about this online

You can stay and enjoy the evening hearing a message by Bishop James Swanson (MS Conference) and a concert by Phil Stacey beginning at 7:00 PM. Details and registration are available at

Better still – have your United Methodist Men come be a part of the entire weekend.  It may be a long time before our men will have such easy, affordable access to a United Methodist Men’s Gathering. CLICK HERE for more info or to register.

A team from Calvary United Methodist Church has led their congregation in a successful 100,000 meal packaging event this past February.  They are ready to assist you and your mission team. They are organizing the packaging event at the UMM National Gathering and welcome your team’s involvement. Call to discuss your plans and options with the Calvary UMC Stop Hunger Now Team:

Tyler Petersen – [email protected] – 770-843-0690
Joe Dunn – [email protected] – 615-946-2090
Andy Morris – [email protected] – 615-479-4413
Larry Malone – [email protected] – 615-415-4980

You can be the hands and feet of Christ. Be part of a movement to end hunger in our lifetime. You are asking how to engage the mission field: Come learn how at the UMMGathering! 

Grace and Peace,
Bill McAlilly