Prayers for Moore, Oklahoma

1.jpgThis afternoon two elementary schools were damaged by tornados that swept through Oklahoma today. Please be in prayer for those in harms way.

As of this post, 10 persons have been found dead as rescue workers continue to search for children between the ages of 5 and 8.

If you wish to respond, first pray, then consider a gift to UMCOR.

In due time, disaster response teams will be needed.  As we learn through UMCOR the needs and ways to respond, we will share that information with you.

Bishop Bill McAlilly

About wtmcalilly

Bill is the Resident Bishop of the Nashville Area of the United Methodist Church serving the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences. He was elected at the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in July 2012.

Posted on May 20, 2013, in Bishop's Blog and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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