Keeping Our Focus


“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

During these changing times in the history of our church, there will be defining moments when words on a page, no matter how carefully crafted, might not convey the thoughts, emotions and importance of one’s message. Today is one of those significant times.

As we await the response of the judicial council, it is important in the upcoming and unpredictable days, that we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ, the light and our salvation. Our call is to continue to offer Christ to a hurting world. My prayer that this call will direct my thoughts, conversations, and actions.

No matter the outcome of the Judicial Council, I am committed to keeping that focus. As you watch this video, my hope is that you will be moved to do the same. I invite you to listen for Jesus’ call to love God and neighbor. May we be inspired in our thoughts and words as we remain focused on offering Christ to a hurting world, one neighborhood at a time.

May our thoughts and words mirror the call to love God and neighbor and that they might be pure and acceptable in God’s sight.



Q & A about the Judicial Council