Response to Tornadoes in Middle Tennessee
Posted: March 3, 2020 Filed under: Bishop's Blog 1 CommentI was saddened when I woke up this morning and discovered that tornados had ripped through our area last night affecting so many here in middle Tennessee. We especially pray for those families who have lost loved ones.
I am thankful that through our United Methodist Connection, before daylight, our people were connecting and mobilizing to respond to the disaster.
As we continue to assess damages to churches, homes and businesses, our hearts and minds are with the families of those whose lives have been lost.
UMCOR has been at work this morning connecting with our leaders to create a path to quickly respond to the needs of our communities across Tennessee.
Robert Craig is the Nashville Episcopal Area Disaster Response Coordinator. With our friends at UMCOR, Robert will be guiding our next steps into what will become a long-term recovery effort. We are working diligently to respond faithfully to the needs of our communities and we know you will want to help.
First, please continue to pray for all those affected. Please also reach out to those who you know who were in the path of the storm to be sure they are okay.
We will be updating a page on the Tennessee Conference website with opportunities for how you can provide hands-on assistance.
In the meantime, you may choose to give financially to support our Disaster Response efforts.
In the near future, we will need teams to help with long term recovery. It is our natural impulse to desire to respond in tangible ways. When we receive the green light from our Disaster Response leaders, we will want to be prepared to mobilize. Please let Robert Craig know you would like to help by emailing him at: [email protected]
In the meantime, continue to support and pray for strength and comfort for those who have been directly impacted by this devastating storm.
[…] – Bishop McAlilly’s Blog Post about the Tornado Response […]